Broken English science & math teaching vs Universal education

I am bored and play some note listening game. Using a flash music note matching game .

Surprisingly, I manage to maintain constant score with consecutive play of the notes matching.

Compare to normal card matching games, on repetitive play, my visual memory deceive us compare to the hearing memory.

Just take 8 pair of cards. Shuffles around. Match the card and record the total of success match. Play it 8 times in a roles and record the total time need. Trying to “buffer up” the location of card is not as simple unless you are trained on card counting. In pair, you need to memorise at least 12 cards for normal play.

Alas, when doing “card counting”, speak of card “name” in your mind (e.g. 5341KJ421J53 ), it no longer act as visual memory. On the other hand, if anyone just memorise the “image” of the card, then you will notice memory confusion of the location of the card.

Hmmmm , I think this is something to do with education and language teaching.

If a teacher is “half baked” on particular language (e.g. English), and conduct the course in math and science, you can imagine the confusion that pass down to the student brain. Imagine the English teacher conduct a perfect English course, while your half baked science and mathematic teacher(s) spell something you hardly understand : bad spelling pronouciation and broken English is enough to make hell over the children. We are talking about student in Primary school, where some of the parent are no well verse in English language.

I am quite amuse about arguement of “once upon a time, the English teaching is quite successful”. Bare in mind that , “once upon a time” , the training center are conduct by the colonist British, and mean for COLONISATION purpose. The teacher must pronouse correct in order to train the colonized people speak a language understood by the English. In addition, from a huge number of students in the colonial land, they can selectively choose candidates that “success”.

And what happens to those fail to pass with flying color or even fall out?

Well, that is the different between COLONISATION thinking vs universal education.